SUZERAIN are a 5 piece London based band who been playing together for about 5 years. The band formed because “no one was playing the music we wanted to hear, intense electro-rock-punk-pop by a band that gives a damn. Or something like that…”
The music is about love, pain, dreams, politics, individuality and bad faith. They’ve earned themselves a great reputation as a fearsome live band playing to massive crowds (Hyde Park & Trafalgar Square).
Recently they have been playing to crowds in Europe in Italy, Sicily and Germany. They played the NRJ festival in Munich alongside Franz Ferdinand and Mando Diao. They also played the Reeperbahn Festival at the old Beatles Haunt – The Kaiser Keller, where the power blew mid set. “I tried to keep singing in the dark and the audience all held up their lighters – it was so cool”.
SUZERAIN are a band that if you get them – you really get them! They say “it’s like we’ve started a gang.”
The band have worked incredibly hard on the first record producing and filming their own videos, enlisting the help of talented friends for the artwork, and acquiring the talents of Steve Lyon (The Cure, Siouxsie Sioux and Depeche Mode) on production.
They’ve recently signed a deal to release their debut album Midnight in the Drawn City in North America and are planning to release in the UK later this year with tours to support the record and inevitably recruit more members to the gang.
What’s the first thing you would say to someone when they ask you to describe yourself as an artist?
An antagonistic, futuristic, alternative-rock act, with a keen sense of the absurd
How long have you been in the industry?
5 years give or take – not long enough
Do you have any projects out now?
Our debut album ‘Midnight in the Drawn City’ will be released in the US and Canada soon and we’ll be supporting that with a tour as well.
What inspires your music?
Most things about the human condition really – but mainly what it is like to be alive at the beginning of the 21st century with all the craziness and insanity that it brings.
Where are you from?
London and the surrounding ‘burbs
What artists in the industry inspire you the most today?
That’s a toughie, it’s rare to find bands that really make us light up – I guess anyone from NIN, Rufus Wainwright, My Chemical Romance, Daft Punk all have things about them we really like.
Why is that?
We like and admire people who take risks with their music and art and who embrace a wider sense of what it can be – regardless of whether it is “our” type of music. A musical and artistic generosity of spirit.
What makes you different from other artist today?
There’s a terrible cynicism in a lot of music you’ll never find in ours – we believe in what we do and we refuse to let people down. We also love what we do and I don’t think we moan about stuff.
What do you want your future fans to know about you?
This is the start of a beautiful friendship.
This article was written by alwayztherro.com
For more information, please contact: info@spectrarecords.com